Shaping the future of cancer control together |
We are pleased to send you this update on the Australian Cancer Plan, the first national 10-year plan to set a transformative agenda to accelerate world class cancer outcomes for all Australians. The Australian Cancer Plan presents the opportunity to design and deliver a ground-breaking national plan to identify and address critical issues in cancer control that need collaborative, coordinated and national action. Your input is important The Australian Cancer Plan is steadily taking shape through ongoing engagement including a series of consultations and workshops to gain insights and input from those affected by cancer and people working in all areas of cancer control. As part of this strategy we have now launched a digital engagement hub to keep our stakeholders and all those interested in improving cancer outcomes up to date with the development of the first Australian Cancer Plan. The Australian Cancer Plan will be finalised in April 2023. Read the July 2022 Latest News now. What’s next? As the Australian Cancer Plan progresses, through the engagement hub we plan to: • Provide regular development updates Register to stay in the loop Don’t miss your chance to be involved! Sign up to receive regular updates on engagement opportunities. Spread the word! Please share the Australian Cancer Plan engagement hub with your networks and contacts. Suggested content for your newsletters and alerts: Cancer Australia has launched a the new Australian Cancer Plan engagement hub – an easy-to-use interactive website to stay up to date with the development of the first Australian Cancer Plan. • Visit the Australian Cancer Plan engagement hub: https://engage.australiancancerplan.gov.au/acp Or you may like to post or tweet: 1. Keen for an update on the #AustralianCancerPlan? Visit our interactive Australian Cancer Plan engagement hub today for the latest on progress and development updates: https://engage.australiancancerplan.gov.au/ 2. The Australian Cancer Plan engagement hub is now open! Register to stay up to date with the development of the first #AustralianCancerPlan through our interactive website: https://engage.australiancancerplan.gov.au/register |