On Wednesday 9 June 2021 NeuroEndocrine Cancer Australia and Sydney Vital held a NET Patient Q&A session in the Auditorium at the Kolling Institute Royal North Shore Hospital. This session was attended by 40 (in person) and livestreamed to another 20 participants. Before the Q&A we had an informal get together which was the first time many had seen each other face to face since the COVID pandemic – it was wonderful to catch up.
The Q&A session had a real multidisciplinary team approach with Prof Nick Pavlakis as the moderator. Short presentations were done by Prof Dale Bailey giving a brief history of Lutate at RNS. Prof Alexander Engel discussed surgery options then Dr David Chan spoke about updated on the COSA NET group and the development / update of NET guidelines. Dr Elizabeth Bernard provided a great explanation of Nuclear Medicine procedures (including PRRT) then Dr Richie Maher discussed Interventional Radiology and Liver directed therapies. Lastly our very own, Meredith Cummins from NECA gave an update on the PLANET Registry and PLANET App, the GP Education modules (RACGP and Australian College of Nursing accredited) and activities NeuroEndocrine Cancer Australia are working on in 2021 which included the White Paper, Nurse In-service sessions and the Theranostics Roundtable.
There was then time for the audience and online attendees to ask questions of the multidisciplinary panel, which provided valuable information and understanding of treatment options and care. These Q&A sessions enable the patients to meet and discuss NETs management with the Multidisciplinary Team and we look forward to continuing to provide these sessions in the future.