Bridget’s battle with pancreatic NET sadly ended Friday 11 February, 2022, after almost 10 years.
Bridget’s words below are from one of the many presentations on the patient perspective that she gave at conferences and fund raising events during her 10 year journey:
“I must also put in a plug for the Unicorn Foundation, the inspired work of Simone and John Leyden started after the death of their sister from a NET. This organization is a rich source of information, friends and support. Having Kate Wakelin, the NET nurse available to answer questions is a wonderful asset. And that’s the thing – there are always questions because cancer is not static. Things change, new symptoms emerge, side effects or whatever. Access to accurate information is important for most of us. The advent of telehealth has been a boon to rural patients. All of these initiatives have helped reduce the isolation of having a cancer diagnosis and create opportunities for engagement and community.”
This is just a small way her family and friends can thank our Unicorn friends (now NeuroEndocrine Cancer Australia).