On 10th October 2019, Shauna Parsons and her husband John are planning to walk the Bibbulmun Track, E2E – 1003 kilometres. We would love fellow unicorns to come out and support them along the way as they fundraise for Unicorn Foundation and raise awareness around NET cancer.
Please also consider supporting them via their fundraising page on Unicorn Foundation website.
Their anticipated trek time frame is as follows:
10/10- Kalamunda
22/10 – Dwellingup – rest up for a day or two
29/10 – Collie
4/11- Balingup where they will be joined by John’s brother from Charlotte, North Carolina. He is flying out to join them for a 4 or 5 day hike. He will be extracted from the track at One Tree Bridge in time for his return flight on 10th November.
23/11- Walpole, in time for their 45th wedding anniversary which will be celebrated at their daughter & son in law’s property – Walpole Wilderness Resort (two night stay).
1/12 – Denmark
7/12- Albany.
The motivation for this trek comes from their experiences with NETs. Read below for the story which will inspire them along the way:
On 26th August 2015 my Brother’s GP uttered those dreaded words -” I am sorry Michael (Doyle) to be the bearer of bad news, but you have Cancer”. Two weeks later and after two biopsies , a diagnosis was delivered- NETs Cancer (NeuroEndocrine Tumours). Michael has inoperable, incurable, metastatic , midgut neuroendocrine tumours.
After doing his own research, Michael came across the UNICORN FOUNDATION. And through the Foundation he was able to participate in a Clinical Trial at the Fiona Stanley Hospital in Western Australia. Now 4 Years on, my husband & I understand the significantly important role the UNICORN FOUNDATION provides to NET patients. For this reason we have decided to walk the Bibbulmun Track, E2E – 1003 Klms. Our aim is to raise awareness of Neuroendocrine Tumours (NETs) through the Unicorn Foundation and to also help raise funds so Western Australia can have a dedicated nurse for NET patients.
We commence our trek on 10 October from the Northern Terminus in Kalamunda and we hope to walk into Albany, the Southern Terminus, 5-6 weeks later. Please help us in our quest to promote an awareness of this rare cancer and to also help raise much needed funds for the Unicorn Foundation. Your support will be greatly appreciated !!