On Saturday February 4th our Consumer Advisory Group member for Western Australia, Michael Doyle not only celebrated his 65th birthday but also held a “live wake” fundraiser to raise funds for NeuroEndocrine Cancer Australia.
Michael has been advocating for NET Patients since his diagnosis and with a progression of his NETs, he decided to hold a live wake to raise awareness and funds.
We were thrilled to not only be there in person to support Michael (and meet him face-to-face for the first time) but to see the turnout of many friends and loved ones as they shared memorable stories about Michael.
Two of the MPs that Michael has been meeting with came along to support him on the day, Cassie Rowe MP and Zaneta Mascarenhas MP.
Whilst we find it incredibly sad that NET patients advocate throughout their life to improve outcomes for future NET patients, that in all likelihood they won’t get to see, we are heartened that with each of these fundraisers more awareness is spread to the local community. We hope that one day we will not have to rely on patients like Michael, we hope that the National Action Plan will be funded by the Australian Government so that NET patients like Michael can enjoy their time from diagnosis using their energy making memories with their family. Until that day we thank Michael and our NET community whole heartedly – together, our voice is strong.
Michael has so far raised over $12,000 and still going!