On 4 September we headed up to Brisbane for our third and final patient forum for 2017.
We were thrilled to see the auditorium at Cancer Council Queensland packed to hear our expert multidisciplinary team share their knowledge and experience about all aspects of NET management.
The night started off with presentations by oncologists A/Prof David Wyld and Dr Matthew Burge, and endocrinologist/ nuclear medicine physician Dr David Pattison. They were then joined by our other experts in a panel for a case discussion, and interactive question and answer session with our audience. Additional panel members included surgeon Dr David Cavallucci, endocrinologist Dr Amanda Love, pharmacist Paul Klagus and specialist nurses Helen McDade and Stephen Nocher.
The audience grilled our experts on a range of challenging questions, stimulating robust discussion between our panel members. It was wonderful to hear from such a diverse range of specialists as they each provided their perspective on the questions raised.
Many thanks to our fantastic panel of experts who donated their time on the evening, particularly A/Prof. David Wyld, who was key in helping to organise this event. Many thanks also to our Brisbane Support Group facilitator, Kim McLean, and members of our Consumer Advisory Group, Therese Townsend, Amanda Massey and Amanda Stork who helped organise and promote the evening. Thanks also to Cancer Council Queensland, who allowed us to use their wonderful facilities.
We were very grateful to Self Help Queensland, who filmed this event free of charge. Videos of the presentations and discussion are available via our You Tube channel http://tinyurl.com/ya58hllt and also make sure you subscribe to our channel to be notified of when we post new content online.
The event was evaluated very highly, and we look forward to running similar events in Perth, Melbourne and Sydney in 2018.
*This event was made possible through funding by the Australian Government Department of Health and donations from our Unicorn Foundation community.