We warmly invite you to join us in Melbourne for the 4th Annual Theranostics World Congress from November 7-9 2016. Registrations open 19 Feburary 2016.

The purpose of this conference is to educate, promote, and support the application and use of radio-labelled agents in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Building on principles first established using radio-iodine for imaging and treatment of thyroid cancer, theranostics is entering an exciting phase of its evolution with new targets being identified and increasing evidence of the success and wider applicability of this approach.
The theme for 2016 is “If you can see it, you can treat it”
The conference will feature invited and contributed presentations on molecular imaging tracers that allow selection and prediction of response to radionuclide therapies as well as the latest information on radionuclide therapy trials.
The disease focus will be neuroendocrine tumours and prostate cancer with exciting and innovative theranostic advances being presented from around the globe. Updates on somatostatin receptor imaging and Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT) of neuroendocrine tumours and PSMA imaging and therapy of prostate cancer will be of particular interest to clinicians working with these diseases. Public forums are planned to provide information and answer questions that patients and their families may have about these therapies.
We anticipate a diverse group of participants and speakers representing the entire range of translational and clinical theranostics. For radiochemists, physicists and scientists, new ligands and targeting vectors, advances in post-processing and dosimetry methods, and translational research on innovative theranostics, will also be featured.
A pre-congress symposium will take place on Sunday November 6 in the new home of the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, a $1 billion building as part of the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre Project. In celebration of 20 years of PET and PRRT at Peter Mac, this symposium will look back on the evolution of these technologies through to the current day and also look forward to what is on the horizon. We expect this will provide a tasty appetizer to the main congress and provide an opportunity to visit what will become an iconic building in Melbourne. Early registration of interest in this pre-congress is encouraged as there will be strictly limited numbers.
Marvellous Melbourne has many nearby attractions and exciting events, especially in November, so please join us in the “World’s Most Liveable City”, for a stimulating scientific programme and the opportunity to meet opinion-leaders in the field.
Simone Leyden Professor Rodney J.Hicks
CEO Unicorn Foundation MBBS (Hons), MD, MD, FRACP, FAHMS
Theranostics Convenor 2016 Chair, Congress