In September 2015 I received a NETs diagnosis. That same month I had a right hemicolectomy. As there was lymph node involvement I was followed up with 3 monthly blood tests and yearly PET scans. So far, my results have shown no evidence of disease so I now continue with yearly PET scans and 6 monthly blood tests.
My son was 3 years old at the time of my diagnosis, when I heard the word cancer. And my thought was ‘he’s only 3, I’m not finished, I’m his mum, this is my job, so I’m not going anywhere.’ Kids are very motivating!
I’m originally from rural NSW. But now live in Wallan with my husband, our son – now 6, and furkids.
I have always enjoyed running but after 2015 I then became involved in entering ‘fun runs’ and discovered trail running also.