NECA & NET patient had met previously with Dr Joe McGirr to discuss support and funding for NET patients and NECA. As this was before the State election, Dr McGirr had said he would meet later in the year if he was re-elected, and he was.
True to his word, we met on Thursday, 28 September, to progress our conversation. Unfortunately, Ian was unwell and was in Tumut Hospital, so Dr McGirr and I went to Tumut Hospital to meet with Ian.
We discussed the Senate Inquiry, the Awareness Campaign and funding issues (both State and Federal). Dr McGirr is very supportive and will take the matters discussed to the NSW Government.
We greatly appreciate the time Dr McGirr has given to NECA & NET patients and look forward to continuing to work with him in the future.
-NECA CEO, Meredith Cummins