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Being affected by NETs can be an extremely challenging experience, both for patients, and those supporting them.
People are faced with a huge amount of information to process, decisions to be made, and disruptions to life, work and family routines.
NeuroEndocrine Cancer Australia offer a FREE, confidential telephone information and support service via our NET Nurse email and telephone line. Our NET Nurse is available to answer your questions, offer emotional support and explore practical strategies for living well with NETs.
Our NET Nurse can also send out printed information, and refer you to other relevant services such as dieticians, support groups, counselling and financial assistance services.
The NET nurse can speak to you about a range of topics including; understanding a NET diagnosis, managing NET symptoms, understanding treatments and their side effects, where to find NET specialists, support groups and other support services.
NeuroEndocrine Cancer Australia are pleased to announce that we can now offer our NET Nurse service to those who speak a language other than English, via the National Translating and Interpreting Service, for the cost of a local call (except for mobiles).
To access this Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National), simply follow these steps:
We look forward to being of service to all English and non-English speaking patients and families.