The Mini-Mos Fun Run and Community Fair has a 30 year history of fundraising and contributing to Mosman Public School, the community and Australian Charities.
2013 is the first year that the Unicorn Foundation, along with Aspect Australia became the designated charities for the event. For the Unicorn Foundation this very important relationship helps raise awareness of neuroendocrine cancers in addition to raising money which will be directed into Australian research into the treatment of these cancers.
The Mini-Mos was held on a sunny but chilly Sunday morning (16th June) with thousands of men, women and children running 2, 5 or 10km around the hilly streets of Mosman.
It was a wonderful day with hundreds of children 'running with Unicorns' promoting the charity. The enthusiasm of the Mosman Public School children was amazing and through their enormous efforts they raised more than $13,000. This money will be used to support the Australian trial that will look at the use of Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT) in the treatment of neuroendocrine cancer (CONTROL NETS).
The Unicorn Foundation thanks our loyal volunteers who made the day such a success – Katie, Fiona, Barb, Chris, John L, Sarah, Max, David, Sandra and Emma.
The Unicorn Foundation also acknowledges the massive efforts of the Mini-Mos organising committee – Francisca Barlin, Nick Elliott, Maggie Jackson, Cherelle Martin, Liz, P&C President Tina Bradstreet and Mosman Public School Principal Kate Cooper.
We hope to see you all again next year!