The Unicorn Foundation CEO thanks Prof Eva Segelov (AGITG Annual Scientific Meeting Convenor) and Russell Conley (AGITG CEO) for the opportunity to exhibit and speak at this year’s annual meeting in Cairns earlier this month.
The program opened with topics including : Personalised medicine – has it delivered on its promise? From Prof Sean Grimmond, Are phase 3 trials in GI cancers past their use-by date? Prof John Bridgewater and Designing clinical trials in the molecular era Prof John Simes. Dr Ben Lawrence from NZ, presented What you see ain’t what you NET, looking at genome sequencing of NETs.
Attendees heard updates on many clinical trials going on around Australia including two supported by the Unicorn Foundation, from Prof Nick Pavlakis – CONTROL NETs trial and Mustafa Khasraw– NABNEC. We are grateful to both and their teams for their passion and for their commitment to recruitment of patients to these trials.
Simone had the opportunity to present in the closing plenary on the patients perspective – Implementation v Innovation – What rules in my world? Making the argument that both are important as the other, however, there is the need to manage expectations as sometimes innovation takes a long time to get to the patient, and suggesting how we can do this better in the future. Her full presentation can be seen here (attached, might need to be a pdf?)
Once again the AGITG annual meeting bought together Australia’s leading NET experts to share ideas, update on research and get together to work on projects that will benefit patients moving forward. We look forward to updating you on one project in particular very soon! Watch this space
Click here for Unicorn Foundation AGITG 2017 Presentation