Wagga Wagga NET Patient Forum
The Unicorn Foundation invites people affected by Neuroendocrine Tumours (NETs), families and friends, and interested health professionals to our free forum. Join guest experts in discovering the latest developments in the management of NETs with the focus on “NETs – Multidisciplinary Care”.
When: Thursday 13th February
Time: 3.00pm – 5.00pm
Where: Townhouse, 70 Morgan St, Wagga Wagga
Cost: Free
RSVP: 11th February, registration is essential for catering purposes
Light refreshments will be provided
There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion and you are invited to submit any questions you would like addressed prior to the event. To submit questions or for any further information, please contact our Project Officer Meredith Cummins via email meredith.cummins@neuroendocrine.org.au or phone 0419 287 585.
Dr David Chan – Overview of Neuroendocrine Cancers, the Role of the Multidisciplinary Team, Treatment and Management of Symptoms / Carcinoid Syndrome
David Chan is a medical oncologist based at the Royal North Shore Hospital. After completing oncology training, he undertook a neuroendocrine tumour fellowship at Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto, Canada. He is currently completing his PhD at the University of Sydney and his thesis is entitled: “Dual PET Imaging in Neuroendocrine Tumours”. He has authored over 25 peer-reviewed publications in NETs to date. David’s research interests include imaging-based biomarkers for NETs (particularly PET imaging), systematic reviews and clinical trial design.
Meredith Cummins – Living with NETs, PLANET Registry, the Unicorn Foundation support & services
Meredith is a highly driven and dedicated health professional who thrives on delivering world class care to cancer patients and enhancing the skills of other health professionals to deliver this care. She has been involved in Oncology for the past 35 years in metropolitan, rural, international, public and private settings. In the past 17 years she has been a key player instrumental in the commissioning and establishment of private cancer care facilities in Australia. Meredith has a wealth of experience in comprehensive cancer care and all aspects of practice management. She enjoys creating and developing dynamic teams so that cancer patients can benefit from Best Practice care and health professionals can develop skills and enhance their career pathways. Meredith has been able to contribute to this by being the Chair of the Sydney Regional Group of Cancer Nurses Society of Australia for the past 5 years. She has also contributed to developing education materials for health professionals and patients internationally and been on Advisory Boards globally.
Meredith has been working for 2 year at the Unicorn Foundation as Project Officer and is embracing the opportunity to continue in developing and delivering World Class cancer care for neuroendocrine cancer.
Katie Golden – A Patients Experience
Katie is a Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumour patient and was diagnosed in 2011. She is married with has 2 sons aged 15 and 12. She is a member of the Unicorn Foundation Consumer Advisory Group and also facilitates the Royal North Shore Patient Support Group. She has also presented at numerous Health Professional education events telling her story. Katie volunteers her time also to the Cancer Connect service. She is in contact with patients in the metropolitan and rural setting and is a fabulous advocate for NET patients with sincere compassion and support. Katie has had most of the treatments for her NETs so is able to speak to patients fully aware of what they are going through and offer information which is so beneficial to this community of patients and carers.
We look forward to welcoming you to our first patient forum in Wagga Wagga.