Thank you to everyone who attended, sponsored and donated prizes to our Sydney Cocktail party on May 20 at the IVY. We raised over $42,000 from the night which will all be directed towards our patient support services and $1million NET Cancer Research Fund.
On May 20, 200 friends of the Unicorn Foundation were entertained by the cool tunes of DJ Lucas, who donated his time to keep the crowd entertained, whilst they sipped champagne, dined on Mr Wong dumplings and the IVY paella. We heard the magical voice of Charlotte Rhiane, who once again took the audience's breath away with her amazing voice. Friend of UF, Ross Circosta bravely shared his and his wife Tara's journey with NET cancer. We were so pleased that Tara was able to join us on the night and so grateful to Ross, his friends and family who continue to fundraise and raise awareness for all NET patients.
"Eye in the sky" Vic Larusso, worked his auctioneering magic raising over $20,000, thanks to the generous donations from our sponsors.
Special thanks also to our raffle and silent auction donors, who helped us reach our incredible total.
Thanks to all our volunteers on the night including Katie Golden, Kim Ostach, Vanessa and Grant Mundell, Kim McLean, Karina Maskell, Genna and Vernon, Deb Mundell and Chris and Reg Mundell. We could not have had such a successful night without the continual help of the MacGregor family who donated so many prizes, and also ran their own fundraiser this year contributing close to $50,000 to the $1m Research Fund.
Thank you again and we look forward to our next big event, as we work hard to reach our research goal.