Thank you to everyone who attended our special pre-screening of Jobs the movie, the story of the man behind Apple Steve Jobs.
This October marks the second anniversary of Apple founder Steve Jobs death, and there is still little known about the cancer that claimed his life. That is why the Unicorn Foundation is pushing to raise awareness and highlight the common symptoms associated with this uncommon cancer.
It was a great night out at the Rivoli and our audience were the first to see our cinema advertisement which was really well received. Thank you to Village cinemas for helping our vision become a reality and for providing us with no charge advertising at their cinemas Eastlands (Tasmania), Fountain Gate, Geelong Morwell and Werribee.
Thanks to our friends at Shout and Val Morgan we have also been able to secure a no charge 2 week national campaign valued at approx $50,000. This is a fantastic medium to get our message about symptoms and misdiagnosis out to a huge audience. Also thanks to Val Morgan's other property, Pump TV, we have been fortunate to receive a one month eastern seaboard campaign on over 1000 Pump TV screens, valued at over $290,000. We are so thankful for their support and for investing in saving patients lives.
Get along to see the movie and make sure if you are in Melbourne, Sydney or Brisbane you fill up your tank of petrol at a participating Caltex, United or BP station!