Health Professionals with experience managing patients with a NET are invited to
participate in a short online research survey, which aims to explore the
experiences of health professionals regarding the nutrition issues and
management of patients diagnosed with a NET, and summarise international
nutrition practices.
This survey is part of a research project being carried out by staff at
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and The University of Melbourne, Australia; and
is supported by the Victorian Cancer Agency, Department of Health and Human
Services, and Austin Health, Australia. The coordinating principal investigator
will use results of the survey as part of their PhD studies.
The survey is voluntary will take approximately 5-10 minutes to
complete. Responses to the survey will be anonymous and participants will not
be asked to provide their name, or the name of their workplace, at any stage
during the survey. Consent to take part will be assumed upon completion of the
All NET health professionals including medical oncology, surgical
oncology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, nuclear medicine, nursing and
dietitians are invited to participate.
The online survey can be accessed here: Nutrition in NETs Online Survey
For questions regarding this research and survey
please email the coordinating principal investigator – Ms Erin Kennedy, Senior Dietitian/PhD Candidate
Information flyer can be found here Nutrition in NETs Survey Flyer